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This Is This!
Joseph Daniel Fiedler, "Joey", was born in Pennsylvania and educated at Carnegie Mellon University. He has lived in Pittsburgh,PA, Tokyo,Japan, Taos, NM, Detroit, MI, Berkeley, CA and Nevada City/Grass Valley, CA. Since 1973 he has made his living as an artist-illustrator-educator. He fuses his philosophy and love of nature into editorial illustrations for clients including the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, New Orleans Magazine, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Boston Globe and Arizona Highways, among others.
"...fiedler's rich, tactile "brushstrokes" make you want to sneak up close and touch. Layers of meaning stir viewers making emotional connections that feel personal, unique and sometimes unexpected." Crystal Falcione, Magnet Reps.
“Densely hued paintings of almost theatrical tableaux.” Publisher’s Weekly.
“Exquisite artwork; the landscapes are magically transporting, while the lustrous colors radiate an antique, spiritual quality.” Kirkus review.
Joseph has received many professional awards, including a Silver Medal from the Society of Illustrators, two ADDY awards, two Golden Quill Awards, two Gold Medals and four Silver Medals from the Broadcasting Design Awards (International), and a Gold Medal and Merit from the 4th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards. In addition, numerous publications such as Graphis, Print, Communication Arts, American Illustration, the Society of Publication Designers, The Spectrum International Annual of Fantastic Art, Luerzer’s Archive and Taschen Publishing have recognized his distinctive work. His paintings have been shown in over 75 gallery and museum exhibitions throughout the United States, Germany, Japan and Israel.
Selected Clients
NPR, The New York Observer, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times,The Detroit Free Press, Harvard, Notre Dame, Brigham Young, Baylor, The University of Pittsburgh, Business Week, Time, New Orleans Magazine, Flaunt Magazine, Hadassah Magazine, Arizona Highways, Simon & Schuster, St. Martins Press, Random House...
• The Nevada City Union
• Foggy Grizzly



All images copyright ©2002-2025 Joseph Daniel Fiedler SITE MAP


Welcome to Joseph Daniel Fiedler Art -
Painting and
As an award-winning, independent freelance artist-illustrator since 1973,
Joseph Daniel Fiedler (Scary Joey) has produced art and illustrations that have appeared in numerous
publications and
exhibitions. Fiedler has illustrated children's books, and received a Silver Medal from the Society of Illustrators of New York. Many leading professional
Journals and organizations have recognized Fiedler's paintings and illustrations. Fiedler's personal paintings have been exhibited at galleries in Germany, Japan, and throughout the United States. As a pedagogue, Fiedler has taught painting and illustration at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA and at the College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI.
Fiedler's use of material and imagery make his art very traditional but he prefers to think of it as Neo-traditional. Casual, sketchy drawing, deliberate surface defacement, sanding, scratching, layering and collage put the image into a kind of frame, an historical reference. What he does is create a simulacrum of something that he's seen before, reproduced somewhere, buried under layers of yellowed varnish and partially torn. Not surprisingly, the suggested retro look and feel of generic, vernacular art of the late 1940's and '50's relates to the time in which Fiedler grew up.
Fiedler has lived in Pittsburgh, PA, Tokyo, Japan, Taos, NM, Detroit, MI and now resides in Grass Valley, CA.
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exhibitions. scaryjoey.com